Hello all! My name is Hannah Josephine and this summer I served as the first ever
official Nature Coordinator. My role as Nature Coordinator entailed providing quality nature
programming and just being available for all the nature questions and concerns that staff and campers had about Alta Mons. In addition to this, I conducted a personal study on the health and well-being of Purgatory creek and will contribute my data to a national stream health survey later this fall. I have always been super interested in ecology and how the natural world works, and Alta Mons over the years has played a big role in developing that passion. As a camper here, I remember being in awe of the absolute beauty this place has to offer and the incredible diversity it displays. As a CIT, counselor, and coordinator, this interest has grown indefinitely and I am now a junior in college majoring in environmental science, with a double minor in biology and museum, field, and community education.
As I sit here about to leave camp, I’m thinking about how incredible this summer was
and how much I learned about life and my place in it. While I did a lot of what I’ve done this
summer last summer, this summer is really special in that I got to really focus on what I love and
share my passion for the environment with staff and campers. Whether it was hiking in the creek
catching mayflies and crawdads or trying not to laugh while campers derailed night nature with
their ponderings on alien lifeforms, these past seven weeks were chock full of love and sharing
in the best way possible. I can never forget all that I’ve learned and experienced. Gosh, this is
getting really quite sappy, so I better end it here before I write a whole novel! A huge thank you
to Meredith and Erin, our program team, for pouring so much into this summer and showing so
much love and grace to our staff and campers!
official Nature Coordinator. My role as Nature Coordinator entailed providing quality nature
programming and just being available for all the nature questions and concerns that staff and campers had about Alta Mons. In addition to this, I conducted a personal study on the health and well-being of Purgatory creek and will contribute my data to a national stream health survey later this fall. I have always been super interested in ecology and how the natural world works, and Alta Mons over the years has played a big role in developing that passion. As a camper here, I remember being in awe of the absolute beauty this place has to offer and the incredible diversity it displays. As a CIT, counselor, and coordinator, this interest has grown indefinitely and I am now a junior in college majoring in environmental science, with a double minor in biology and museum, field, and community education.
As I sit here about to leave camp, I’m thinking about how incredible this summer was
and how much I learned about life and my place in it. While I did a lot of what I’ve done this
summer last summer, this summer is really special in that I got to really focus on what I love and
share my passion for the environment with staff and campers. Whether it was hiking in the creek
catching mayflies and crawdads or trying not to laugh while campers derailed night nature with
their ponderings on alien lifeforms, these past seven weeks were chock full of love and sharing
in the best way possible. I can never forget all that I’ve learned and experienced. Gosh, this is
getting really quite sappy, so I better end it here before I write a whole novel! A huge thank you
to Meredith and Erin, our program team, for pouring so much into this summer and showing so
much love and grace to our staff and campers!